As the seat of numerous UN institutions, other international organisations, networks and NGOs, Geneva offers a unique platform for cooperation both for world politics and for Switzerland. But what exactly is happening in the city on the Rhône? Which topics do they address? What questions do they deal with?
As part of the Tour de Suisse «International Geneva: the world in Switzerland», foraus got right to the bottom of these very questions. From January to May 2019, foraus toured nine Swiss cities and highlighted topics that have an impact on Geneva, Switzerland and the world. Guests from the fields of science, politics, international organisations, business, administration and civil society contributed their views and made different perspectives possible. In this way, the Tour de Suisse contributed to bringing international Geneva to the rest of Switzerland.
The Tour de Suisse offered visitors a rich menu of topics and tried to represent the diversity of international Geneva. In Schaffhausen, for example, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer, discussed the relevance of human rights and Geneva’s role in their protection with Judge Kilian Meyer from Schaffhausen. In Neuchâtel, the discussions focused on sustainable development, while CVP National Councillor Kathy Riklin and moderator Barbara Lüthi in Winterthur explored the importance of science-based policy in times of fake news. And in Olten, nothing less than the future of the Internet was debated.
The Tour de Suisse made a stop in all Swiss regions. The stops chosen were places that function as centres in their region and are therefore easily accessible to as many people as possible thanks to their location and importance. Since the Tour de Suisse was primarily aimed at making international Geneva known throughout Switzerland, the major university cities were avoided wherever possible.