Jessica Cussins Newman ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am UC Berkeley Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity, wo sie sich auf digitale Gouvernanz und die Sicherheitsimplikationen der künstlichen Intelligenz konzentriert. Sie ist ausserdem KI-Politikspezialistin am Future of Life Institute und Forschungsberaterin bei The Future Society. Jessica war 2016-17 International and Global Affairs Student Fellow am Harvard’s Belfer Center und hatte Forschungspositionen beim Harvard’s Program on Science, Technology & Society, dem Institute for the Future und dem Center for Genetics and Society inne. Sie hat einen Master in Public Policy von der Harvard Kennedy School und einen Bachelor mit Auszeichnung in Anthropologie von der University of California, Berkeley. Zudem hat Jessica Dutzende von Artikeln über die Auswirkungen neuer Technologien veröffentlicht, unter anderem in The Hill, The Los Angeles Times, The Pharmaceutical Journal und CNBC.
Publications by Jessica Cussins Newman

In response to the accelerating potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to transform our lives, various governments, multilateral bodies, and other organizations have produced highlevel principles and guidelines for the ethical use of AI in recent years. Despite the staggering number of such documents (over 90 by October 2019), there appears to be a relatively high degree of convergence on the level of principles. «Inclusiveness» is one of just a handful of principles that most actors seem to agree upon. However, a closer look reveals that the principle is interpreted very differently in terms of the domain, scope and actors it pertains to. To respond to this gap, the swissnex Network, foraus, and AI Commons launched the global campaign «Towards an Inclusive Future in AI» with foraus’ new Policy Kitchen methodology. This joint experiment resulted in 11 workshops in 8 countries, involving 10 partner organizations and about 120 participants from a wide range of perspectives, who collaboratively generated 43 ideas for an inclusive future in AI. This paper presents the in-depth exploration of ideas and proposals on inclusion collected during this participatory process.