März 2024
Januar 2025
GenSouth 2024 ist ein Programm für junge Expert:innen aus Think Tanks in Ländern des Globalen Südens, un sich gemeinsam im Internationalen Genf zu treffen. Das Projekt, das von foraus organisiert und dem Eidgenössischen Departement für auswärtige Angelegenheiten (EDA) gefördert wird, lädt die Teilnehmenden dazu ein, aufschlussreiche Diskussionen zu führen und ihre Ideen für die Zukunft des multilateralen Systems einzubringen.
2.-3. Dezember 2024, physisches Treffen in Genf, Schweiz
Entdecken Sie die Teilnehmer:innen der Ausgabe 2024 von GenSouth!
Die Entwicklung gemeinsamer Antworten auf globale Herausforderungen erfordert einen ergebnisorientierten Multilateralismus.
Derzeit steht dieses System unter Druck und es bedarf neuer Impulse und Reformen, um effizient zu sein. Die Sicht der Länder des Globalen Südens auf den Multilateralismus werden in internationalen Foren häufig verkannt – so etwa bei den Forderungen nach einer Reform des UN-Sicherheitsrats. Angesichts des Stillstands in dieser Frage ist die Formulierung weiterer politischer Empfehlungen, die die Perspektiven und Realitäten des Globalen Südens widerspiegeln – mit konkreten Anwendungsfällen und bewährten Praktiken – ein dringend benötigter Beitrag zu den aktuellen politischen Debatten über die Zukunft des Multilateralismus. Eine solche Initiative, die innerhalb des internationalen Genf entwickelt wurde, würde dazu beitragen, die Kluft zwischen diesen Ländern und dem derzeitigen multilateralen System zu verringern und somit den Interessen und Werten des Multilateralismus dienen.
Beschreibung des Projekts
GenSouth ist ein Programm, das rund 15 junge Expert:innen und Think Tank- Forscher:innen aus Entwicklungsländern im Alter zwischen 20 bis 35 Jahren zu einem Austausch über die Zukunft des Multilateralismus einlädt. Die Veranstaltung wird in Genf von foraus mit Unterstützung des SchweizerischenEidgenössischen Departements für auswärtige Angelegenheiten organisiert.
Das Programm verfolgt drei Ziele:
- Expert:innen zusammenzubringen, Vertrauen zwischen ihnen schaffen und sie beim Aufbau eines nachhaltigen Netzwerks zu unterstützen.
- Einen Raum zu bieten, um Initiativen für die Zukunft des Multilateralismus aus der Perspektive des Globalen Südens zu entwickeln und vorzustellen.
- Neue Möglichkeiten für Partnerschaften zwischen Expert:innen aus dem Globalen Süden und den Akteuren des Internationalen Genf zu kreieren.
Die Teilnehmer:innen werden nach der Konferenz gemeinsam einen Project Brief, mit konkreten politischen Ideen und Empfehlungen von den Teilnehmer:innen publizieren. Diese Vorschläge werden die Zukunft des Multilateralismus aus der Perspektive des Globalen Südens vorstellen. Die Veröffentlichung und Bekanntmachung des Berichts erfolgt im ersten Quartal 2025.
Update (27.02.2025): Die mit Spannung erwartete Veröffentlichung ist da! Nach der Teilnahme an der GenSouth-Konferenz im Dezember 2024 haben die ausgewählten Teilnehmer:innen aus dem Globalen Süden gemeinsam einen Project Brief verfasst, in dem sie sich für politische Ideen und Empfehlungen aus der Perspektive des Globalen Südens einsetzen. Die Ideen für die Zukunft des Multilateralismus, die eine stärkere Einbeziehung der Länder des Globalen Südens ermöglichen, können im neu veröffentlichten Project Brief nachgelesen werden.
Pratyush Sharma is a Consultant at Global South Centre of Excellence housed at Research and Information System for Developing Countries, New Delhi. He has a background in International Relations and Pratyush completed his PhD from the United Nations mandated University for Peace, Costa Rica. He has also been a Queen Elizabeth Scholar for International Development at University of Calgary, and a Global Governance Fellow at the Institute of Development and Sustainability, Bonn.
Makhethe Makamase is a PhD student at the University of Pretoria (UP), an Assistant Lecturer and a Researcher at the Centre for Mediation in Africa (CMA) at UP. She has experience in mediation, international politics and foreign policy research, and administrative roles at the Institute for Global Dialogue (IGD), the CMA, UP and other transnational experiences. Her research interests include African politics, peace and security, inclusive development and global advocacy. She is also an alumni of the Managing Global Governance (MGG) Academy (2021) by the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) a program centred on engaging Global South issues.
Marième Cissé from Senegal, is a senior researcher and project officer at West Africa Think Tank, WATHI. She joined WATHI’ team in 2018 and her work focuses mainly on issues related to gender equality and human capital development. Marième holds a Master’s degree in Political Science with a specialization in Governance and International Cooperation from Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar, where she is currently pursuing a PhD. She is also a participant in the 4th cohort of the Shaping Futures: African-European Network on Development and Sustainability Academy (Shaping Futures Academy) with German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS).
Kwaji Ble Ngida is a Policy Analyst at the Nigerian Economic Summit Group, specializing in economic analysis and policy research. He served as a member of the Presidential Fiscal Policy and Tax Reforms Committee (PFPTRC) from August 2023 to March 2024, contributing technical expertise in Revenue Administration in Nigeria. Kwaji holds a first-class degree in Economics and a Master’s in International Affairs and Diplomacy. His passion for multilateralism drives his commitment to advancing Africa’s development through sustainable governance and regional cooperation. He focuses on promoting evidence-based policies and effective implementation strategies to facilitate equitable collaboration among nations.
Beatriz is T20 Brasil Project Coordinator at the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI). As part of the T20 Brasil Organizing Committee, she helps facilitate the engagement of 100+ institutions in the G20 Brasil process, and seeks to contribute to the amplification of Global South and civil society voices in multilateral spaces.
Gabriel graduated in Law from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Throughout his academic career, he has focused on researching public and international law and is an alumni member of the Observatory in Law, Science & Technology at this University. He holds a master’s degree in administrative law and has focused his research on Colombian public policy for investing in science, technology, and innovation through public contracts. He advised on public sector institutions and projects in Colombia before transitioning to roles in the private sector and non-profit organizations in Switzerland. Currently, Gabriel is a candidate for a master’s degree in international law at the University of St. Gallen. His passion for international law, particularly trade and development, is complemented by a personal interest in history, sports, and nature.
Subia Ahmad is a Senior Research Associate at the Centre for Policy Research’s (CPR) Transboundary Rivers Ecologies and Development Studies (TREADS) Initiative in New Delhi, India. In this role, she is currently working on the political and institutional aspects of transboundary water governance. Her interests lie at the intersection of international and domestic politics in the broader context of development cooperation.
She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Delhi University and a Master’s and M.Phil degree from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, India, in International Relations and West Asian Studies respectively.
Olumide is a skilled research economist (5+ years) with public policy expertise. Currently, he serves as a Research Assistant for the methane mitigation project at the Africa Policy and Research Institute. He has experience leading research teams and providing actionable policy advice to senior figures in both the public and private sectors. His impactful research is evident in both academic publications (human capital, investment, and trade) and industry work (climate mitigation and adaptation advocacy papers, a climate financing strategy for Nigeria’s infrastructure development with AP3 Advisory, and the design of Nigeria’s national development plan, 2021-2025).
Malena Viú holds a degree in Sociology (UBA) and completed a master’s degree in International Relations (UNSAM), where she has specialized in Antarctic issues. Currently she is finishing her second master’s degree in Political Analysis (CIAS).
She is the Community Coordinator of REDAPPE -an Argentine think tank on foreign policy-, as well as the Academic Coordinator of University Extension Diplomas at the Faculty of Social Sciences-UBA, and works as a consultant at the office of the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers since 2022.
Nidhal is a Policy Researcher at the Center for Indonesian Policy Studies (CIPS), an independent and non-profit think tank that advocates practical policy reforms. At CIPS, he has engaged in various research and consulting projects, with strong focus on digital economy, regional geopolitics, emerging technology governance, techplomacy, and equitable North-South partnership. His research interest lie in the nexus between digital inclusion and public policy. Prior to joining CIPS, he worked at the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Jakarta as the Assistant to the Political and Economic Section. He holds a bachelor’s degree in International Relations with a minor in Postcolonial Studies.
Maria Dominika Budhisatrio, also known as Monik, holds a degree in political science and is an emerging public policy researcher based in Indonesia with a keen interest in socio-cultural and political discourse, particularly within the digital landscape. At the Center for Indonesian Policy Studies (CIPS), she acknowledges the importance of cooperation among multiple stakeholders in shaping impactful agricultural policies. She works to promote collaborative initiatives aimed at ensuring fair market access and enhancing value chains crucial for food security efforts.
Luanda Mpungose is an experienced Partnership Manager and International Relations scholar with over eight years of professional work experience. Excellent work ethic with an enthusiasm for global affairs and Africa’s development. In her work, Luanda has endeavoured to influence development policy and advocacy through evidenced based research and capacity building initiatives. She has built up a solid network of thought leaders across the country and various regions of the African continent. Luanda has undertaken research on South-South Cooperation, youth policy participation, BRICS cooperation and South Africa’s foreign policy. In 2019, she co-authored a book chapter on South Africa’s Foreign Policy entitled South Africa’s Foreign Policy in Uncertain Times: Values, Interests and Power.
Ms. Thlompho Shikwambane is a Research Assistant at the Institute for Global Dialogue. She obtained a Masters degree in Political Science from Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University (Turkey) and a bachelors degree in International Relations from the University of South Africa. Her key research interests include peacekeeping, human rights, south-south cooperation and foreign policy.
Paula Lottenberg has a bachelor’s degree in Public Administration, by FGV-SP and a Masters Degree in Public Administration from FGV-SP and from Columbia University. She has worked mainly in the nonprofit sector, focused on strategic philanthropy and partnerships between the public, private and nonprofit sector and how they can work together in social impact programs. Nowadays she is working as Corporate Relations Manager at CEBRI.
Marília Closs is a program coordinator at Plataforma CIPÓ. She holds a Master’s and Ph.D. in Political Science from the Institute of Social and Political Studies at the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Her professional interests and areas of expertise include climate and international politics, Brazilian foreign policy in environmental agendas, Latin American studies, and Latin American social movements.