Unmute! supports young changemakers in enhancing their skills in political engagement and using them effectively. They learn how great the influence of foreign policy is on their everyday lives. This realisation encourages them to express political recommendations and ideas.

Politique en scène : Zukunft entscheiden
Politique en Scène: Zukunft entscheiden is a two-year transdisciplinary project developed through a collaboration between foraus and Proberaum Zukunft. At the heart of the project are four events in the Bern City Hall that will gather around one hundred participants

Antimicrobial Resistance: What Role for Switzerland?
foraus organised a workshop with experts from the field to discuss pathways for the role of Switzerland in the international fight against Antimicrobial Resistance.

GenSouth Programme 2024
GenSouth 2024 is a unique opportunity for active and young professionals from think tanks in Global South countries to join in the vibrant heart of International Geneva. This programme, promoted by foraus and the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, engages participants to lead insightful discussions and give their perspective on the multilateral universal system.

Trustworthy data spaces
With our "Trustworthy data spaces" project, we aim to launch a national debate on the future of the Swiss health data space, initiated by the population and led by young people, and discuss innovative solutions on how an optimal and trustworthy data infrastructure can function for our country.

foraus impact academy: training and empowerment of young volunteers
The impact academy is a skill-boosting and knowledge transfer program provided by foraus. The workshops are addressed to volunteers active within the network, to association members as well as to external young people interested in acquiring foreign policy skills against a contribution fee.

Education without borders
Our project "Education without borders" aims to initiate a national debate on the future of foreign education policy, led by young people. They contribute with innovative solutions for Switzerland's foreign education policy.

Sustainable, healthy and accessible food for all
In this workshop series on food systems transformation, we explored which national policies and transnational governance schemes are needed to achieve sustainable and resilient food systems in Europe by 2030.

Futures Champions
“Futures Champions” is a foraus’ project that aims to increase young people's participation in the democratic debate.

Future impulses from students
Each year, foraus and the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts accompany two cohorts of students excelling at Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences who are supported in their diverse careers by a scholarship from the Hirschmann Foundation.

Think & Drink
Our “Think & Drink” series gathers experts from International Geneva and students from Geneva & beyond to create a space where they can exchange about topics relevant to International Geneva in a relaxed setting.

Geneva Brief
The Geneva Brief is a newsletter that informs about the activities of 17 expertise hubs working in International Geneva.

Foreign Policy Impulses
Since 2020, foraus has organised events on current foreign policy topics in cooperation with the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA).

Switzerland at the UN Security Council in 2023-24
In this project, we crowdsourced citizens’ ideas about the thematic priorities Switzerland could follow during its tenure at the UN Security Council in 2023-24. During a series of four workshops we exchanged with experts from the field and interested citizens about Switzerland’s potential role as a non-permanent member of the UNSC.

Switzerland at the UN Security Council in 2023-24
In this project, we crowdsourced citizens’ ideas about the thematic priorities Switzerland could follow during its tenure at the UN Security Council in 2023-24. During a series of four workshops we exchanged with experts from the field and interested citizens about Switzerland’s potential role as a non-permanent member of the UNSC.

Future of Human Mobility
Quo Vadis? Where are we going? During the COVID-19 pandemic, this question took on a whole new meaning. As human mobility was called into question across the world, the way we move - or do not move - was being scrutinized more than ever. In this project foraus, the Open Think Tank Network and the Kenia-based organization The Youth Cafe used participatory foresight to look at the future of human mobility.

Towards an Inclusive Future in AI
In 2019, foraus Swissnex and AI Commons launched the global campaign «Towards an Inclusive Future in AI» using foraus’ Policy Kitchen methodology. This joint experiment resulted in 11 workshops in 8 countries, involving 10 partner organization and about 120 participants.

World Biodiversity Forum 2022
In June 2022, foraus conducted a unique co-creation process drafting the Conference Resolution of the World Biodiversity Forum (WBF) 2022 based on inputs from more than 90 scientists and biodiversity experts from around the world.

Think Tank Hub
The Think Tank Hub Geneva, founded in April 2014, was an initiative undertaken by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) in collaboration with the Think Tank foraus – Swiss Forum on Foreign Policy.

WinterSchool for Thinktankers (WISCH)
WISCH was a seven-day intensive course with lectures and guided group work for young and proactive individuals to become future policy entrepreneurs.

Tour de Suisse FIFDH x foraus
In fall 2022 foraus collaborated with the "International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights" (FIFDH) through a Swiss Tour in partnership with its regional groups

EU citizens in Switzerland: your voice, your opinion!
With this project we give EU citizens living in Switzerland a voice and an active role in the public debate about climate, migration and digital policy, fostering a constructive dialogue about the shared future between Switzerland and the EU in the in these policy areas.

One Health for the Future
In this participatory project, we explored the concept of One Health combining human, animal, and ecosystem health considerations and needed policy measures to prevent the phenomena of zoonoses, antimicrobial resistance, and food safety and security threats in the future.

Global Labs
Global Labs connects students from Geneva and beyond with professionals from International Geneva, to foster innovative policy ideas to advance multilateral cooperation.

SDG Accelerator
The 2017 SDG Accelerator #PolicyHack was a two and a half day event that aimed to create a space for the development of new tools and innovations tackling SDG number 5 “Gender equality”.

Futuring Peace in North East Asia
Young people have the potential to build peaceful societies and support effective governance in their communities, now and in the upcoming decades. Training youth to collectively imagine the future can ensure lasting impact and create the conditions for dialogue and cooperation between governments and peoples of Northeast Asia, for the generations to come.

Foreign Policy Day
Thought-provoking debates on pressing foreign policy issues: in 2019, foraus initiated the «Foreign Policy Day» together with the Swiss Association for Foreign Affairs (SGA-ASPE).

International Digital Health
In this project, we engaged 140 stakeholders and citizens around the challenges related to the use of health data in innovative workshop-formats and collectively formulated policy recommendations.

Sustainable FinTech
Sustainable FinTech serves as a platform and network to enable, encourage and foster innovative sustainable policies, services and product ideas which further these goals.

10 years foraus
Ten years ago, a group of students discovered that young people in Switzerland had too little to say in foreign policy – and founded foraus. foraus has since developed into the Swiss think tank on foreign policy and proved that think tanks à la grassroots work.

Tour de Suisse
From January to May 2019, foraus toured nine Swiss cities and highlighted topics that have an impact on Geneva, Switzerland and the world.